Android versions distribution

Here is the August distribution comparison between Android versions and Android versions of Memory, Bugdroid edition players. Players still seem to own brand new device. ;)

Android version Application Global
1.5 Cupcake - 0.2 %
1.6 Donut - 0.4 %
2.1 Eclair 1.14 % 3.7 %
2.2 Froyo 11.3 % 14 %
2.3 Gingerbread 44.3 % 57.5 %
3.x Honeycomb 3.4 % 2.1 %
4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 36.4 % 20.9 %
4.1 Jelly Bean 3.4 % 1.2 %

Source: Android Developer Console and Dashboards on Android developers web site.

0.13.0 released!

A new release is now available on the Google Play Store! This release is a major release with many new features and improvements.

Note that the LAN and Bluetooth modes are not compatible with previous releases.

Get it on Google PlayGet it on Google Play


- 5 levels: 1×4, 1×5, 1×6, 1×7, 1×8
- Theme: Black (black background, black cards, black selectors, …)
- Random card rotation on board
- Settings for players
- Fast player swaping
- Settings for bots (names and speed)
- Give up a game
- Improved preferences screens
- Sending of application Play Store link by e-mail, SMS, …
- Links to Google Play and official Facebook and Google+ pages
- Minor changes in navigation
- Fix some bugs (chance calculation, blackout challenge)


Official web site

Official web site Today, we launch this web site, the official web site for the Memory, Bugdroid edition! It will be useful to share some extra features that we can’t publish on the Google Play Store (for example, the complete changelog of the application, advanced help instructions, translation progression, …). Also, we open an official Facebook page and an official Google+ page. We hope that this web site and the 2 social network pages will provide us with more feedback from all gamers: feel free to share your gaming experience, submit bugs or request for new features! We rely on you.

Join the Facebook page, the Google+ one or subscribe to the feed to stay in touch with your favorite game. ;)

Do you feel this web site is “bugdroidified” enough ?

Android versions distribution

Here is the July distribution comparison between Android versions and Android versions of Memory, Bugdroid edition players.

Android version Application Global
1.5 Cupcake - 0.2 %
1.6 Donut - 0.5 %
2.1 Eclair 1.9 % 4.2 %
2.2 Froyo 18.5 % 15.5 %
2.3 Gingerbread 48.1 % 60.6 %
3.x Honeycomb 5.6 % 2.3 %
4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 20.4 % 15.9 %
4.1 Jelly Bean 5.6 % 0.8 %

Source: Android Developer Console and Dashboards on Android developers web site.

Android versions distribution

Here is the June distribution comparison between Android versions and Android versions of Memory, Bugdroid edition players. Jelly Bean? Present! ;)

Android version Application Global
1.5 Cupcake - 0.2 %
1.6 Donut - 0.5 %
2.1 Eclair 5.1 % 4.7 %
2.2 Froyo 20.5 % 17.3 %
2.3 Gingerbread 46.2 % 63.6 %
3.x Honeycomb 2.6 % 2.4 %
4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 23.1 % 10.9 %
4.0 Jelly Bean 2.6 % -

Source: Android Developer Console and Dashboards on Android developers web site.